Monday, July 27, 2015


It couldn't have been more perfect!  Just as I was leaving work, with the greens sanded and fertilized with Gypsum, it started to rain. The end result: just under and inch of rain. It was one of those I had to stand on the porch to appreciate and think of that atmospheric Nitrogen that comes with such rain, greening the course back up!  The afternoon thunderstorms will do, but what we really need are one of those all day soakers....something that gives us 3" in a 24 hour period but falls nice and steady with little runoff.  However...beggars can't be choosers. Today there was a 20% chance of rain.  Keep in mind, all the rain we dodged the last few days, there was a 60-70% coverage of thunderstorms. I guess you never can really predict it.